“Japanese Visual Media Graph” Project Starts

Goal of the project is the creation of a consolidated graph-based database on all types of Japanese visual media, specifically manga, anime and chracter-driven computer games like visual novels. Data models and retrieval functions will be modelled to conform to the requirements of researchers from the fields of Japan studies or media science. Partners are the Leipzig University Library and the Leipzig University Department of Japan Studies. The three people strong research team will be located in the new IAAI Lab. Work on the project will start in early May.
Read more about the project here: http://jvmg.iuk.hdm-stuttgart.de
Prof. Magnus Pfeffer
Studiendekan Informationswissenschaften
Hochschule der Medien
Fakultät Information und Kommunikation
Nobelstraße 10, 70569 Stuttgart
Mobil: +49-(0)176-62606668
Home Office: +49-(0)621-12282477
Japanese Visual Media Graph is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).