The HdM Institute for Applied AI educates experts who will be able to recognise and assess the potential of different AI approaches, enabling them to develop innovative and robust AI applications. Based on a sound understanding of theory, experts must also be able to implement those intelligent procedures efficiently. Our claim is to cover both of these aspects - theory and hands-on knowledge - in a wide range of courses. Fundamental theory-based lectures on Artificial Intelligence in general, Machine Learning, Object Recognition, Natural Language Processing or Gaming AI are accompanied by lab-exercises and projects where students learn to implement state-of-the-art algorithms and their usage in innovative applications.

Due to our close relationships with industry partners, e.g. through joint student projects, we are able to adapt our learning contents quickly and in early stages to the changing needs, requirements and challenges of a fast moving field. Students are provided with a comprehensive AI-course palette on a bachelor- and master-degree level. For companies we provide dedicated AI- and Machine Learning Training in the form of seminars and workshops.

AI Certificates

Absolventinnen und Absolventen mit einem Studienschwerpunkt Entwicklung von KI-Algorithmen können sich Ihre Leistungen und die erworbenen Fähigkeiten durch dieses Zertifikat bescheinigen lassen.

Zertifikatskonzept: KI-Entwickler Zertifikat (PDF)

Das interdisziplinäre KI-Studienangebot hat zum Ziel: interdisziplinäre KI-Kompetenzen für Studierende auf höchstem Niveau und mit Blick auf Gegenwart und Zukunft zu ermöglichen.

Zertifikatskonzept: Interdisziplinäre KI-Kompetenzen

Student Publications

Stay on top of the latest research in deep learning with our seminar series and in-depth tech tutorials provided by our students.

Selected Topics Overview

Aktuelle Trends und Einsatzgebiete der Künstlichen Intelligenz als kompakte Whitepaper, bereitgestellt von unseren Studierenden.

Zu den Whitepapers

AI Lectures

Applied AI Training

For professionals and companies, the Institute for Applied AI offers dedicated AI Training in order to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and its application to real world problems. In coordination with the HdM Weiterbildungszentrum, the IAAI will offer various seminars and workshops for specialists and management.

The modular and customizable program structure starts from basic level courses such as "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" and covers all levels of expertise up to very applied and technical expert level workshops.

Individual modules can be booked on request. A detailed overview will be published soon.