Jan Doria:
Kann KI Krankenhaus? Ein Lehrexperiment zum Einsatz von Rollenspielen zur Förderung multiperspektivischer ethischer Reflexionskompetenz
in Ethik der Digitalisierung in Gesundheitswesen und Pflege Analysen und ein Tool zur integrierten Forschung, 2025 (chapter)
Jan Doria and
Oliver Zöllner:
Ethik der Künstlichen Intelligenz in der Alltagswelt
in Handbuch Soziale Praktiken und Digitale Alltagswelten, Wiesbaden 2025 (chapter)
Mingyang Wang,
Heike Adel,
Lukas Lange,
Jannik Strötgen and
Hinrich Schuetze:
Learn it or leave it: Module composition and pruning for continual learning
in Proceedings of the 9th workshop on representation learning for NLP (RepL4NLP-2024), Bangkok, Thailand 2024 (paper-conference)
Mingyang Wang,
Lukas Lange,
Heike Adel,
Jannik Strötgen and
Hinrich Schuetze:
Better call SAUL: Fluent and consistent language model editing with generation regularization
in Findings of the association for computational linguistics: EMNLP 2024, Miami, Florida, USA 2024 (paper-conference)
Hendrik Schuff,
Heike Adel and
Ngoc Thang Vu:
Thought flow nets: From single predictions to trains of model thought
in Natural Language Processing, 2024 (article-journal)
Wei Zhou,
Mohsen Mesgar,
Heike Adel and
Annemarie Friedrich:
FREB-TQA: A fine-grained robustness evaluation benchmark for table question answering
in Proceedings of the 2024 conference of the north american chapter of the association for computational linguistics: Human language technologies (volume 1: Long papers), Mexico City, Mexico 2024 (paper-conference)
Mingyang Wang,
Heike Adel,
Lukas Lange,
Jannik Strötgen and
Hinrich Schuetze:
Rehearsal-free modular and compositional continual learning for language models
in Proceedings of the 2024 conference of the north american chapter of the association for computational linguistics: Human language technologies (volume 2: Short papers), Mexico City, Mexico 2024 (paper-conference)
Wei Zhou,
Heike Adel,
Hendrik Schuff and
Ngoc Thang Vu:
Explaining pre-trained language models with attribution scores: An analysis in low-resource settings
in Proceedings of the 2024 joint international conference on computational linguistics, language resources and evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), Torino, Italia 2024 (paper-conference)
Tim Tarsi, Heike Adel, Jan Hendrik Metzen, Dan Zhang, Matteo Finco and
Annemarie Friedrich:
SciOL and MuLMS-img: Introducing a large-scale multimodal scientific dataset and models for image-text tasks in the scientific domain
in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF winter conference on applications of computer vision, 2024 (paper-conference)
Marcel Heisler and
Christian Becker-Asano:
Learning to control an android robot head for facial animation
in Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE international conference on human-robot interaction, New York, NY, USA 2024 (paper-conference)
Jona Eisele, André Gerlach, Marcus Maeder, Andreas Koch and
Steffen Marburg:
Object classification in automotive ultrasonic sensing using a convolutional neural network
in Proceedings of the 10th convention of the european acoustics association, forum acusticum 2023, Torino 2024 (paper-conference)
Jona Eisele,
André Gerlach,
Marcus Maeder and
Steffen Marburg:
Relevance of phase information for object classification in automotive ultrasonic sensing using convolutional neural networks
in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2024 (article-journal)
Jona Eisele, André Gerlach, Marcus Maeder, Andreas Koch and
Steffen Marburg:
Einfluss der amplitude und phase von ultraschallrückstreuungen auf die klassifizierbarkeit von objekten in der fahrzeugumfeldsensierung
in Fortschritte der akustik - DAGA 2024, 50. Jahrestagung für akustik, 18.-21. März 2024, hannover, Berlin 2024 (paper-conference)
Florian Rupp,
Benjamin Schnabel and
Kai Eckert:
Implementing Data Workflows and Data Model Extensions with RDF-star
in The Electronic Library, 2024 (article-journal)
Mingyang Wang,
Heike Adel,
Lukas Lange,
Jannik Strötgen and
Hinrich Schuetze:
GradSim: Gradient-based language grouping for effective multilingual training
in Proceedings of the 2023 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing, Singapore 2023 (paper-conference)
Sophie Henning,
Talita Anthonio,
Wei Zhou,
Heike Adel,
Mohsen Mesgar and
Annemarie Friedrich:
Is the answer in the text? Challenging ChatGPT with evidence retrieval from instructive text
in Findings of the association for computational linguistics: EMNLP 2023, Singapore 2023 (paper-conference)
Martina Köhler,
Elisa Zeller,
Christian Werner Becker-Asano and
Christian Jauch:
Effect of sensor-based assistance systems on users in manual assembly tasks
in Proceedings of the 13th conference on learning factories (CLF 2023), 2023 (paper-conference)
Amelie Kassner and
Christian Becker-Asano:
Comparing an android head with its digital twin regarding the dynamic expression of emotions
in 2023 11th international conference on affective computing and intelligent interaction workshops and demos (ACIIW), 2023 (paper-conference)
Marcel Heisler and
Christian Becker-Asano:
An android robot head as embodied conversational agent
in Proc. Intl. Symposium on robotics (ISR europe), 2023 (paper-conference)
Marcel Heisler, Stefan Kopp and
Christian Becker-Asano:
Making an android robot head talk
in Proc. Of 32nd IEEE int. Conf. On robot and human interactive communication (RO-MAN), 2023 (paper-conference)
Johanna Kuch, Frank Melchior and
Christian Becker-Asano:
Effects of gender neutralization on the anthropomorphism of voices
in Proc. Of 32nd IEEE int. Conf. On robot and human interactive communication (RO-MAN), 2023 (paper-conference)
Jona Eisele, André Gerlach, Marcus Maeder, Andreas Koch and
Steffen Marburg:
Objektklassifikation auf basis von luftultraschall für aufgaben der umfeldsensierung mittels convolutional neural network
in Fortschritte der akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung für akustik, 06.-09. März 2023, hamburg, Berlin 2023 (paper-conference)
Jona Eisele,
André Gerlach,
Marcus Maeder and
Steffen Marburg:
Convolutional neural network with data augmentation for object classification in automotive ultrasonic sensing
in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2023 (article-journal)
L. Eisemann,
M. Fehling–Kaschek,
H. Gommel,
D. Hermann,
M. Klemp,
M. Lauer,
B. Lickert,
F. Luettner,
R. Moss,
N. Neis,
M. Pohle,
S. Romanski,
D. Stadler,
A. Stolz,
J. Ziehn and
J. Zhou:
An approach to systematic data acquisition and data-driven simulation for the safety testing of automated driving functions
in 2023 IEEE 26th international conference on intelligent transportation systems (ITSC), 2023 (paper-conference)
Leon Eisemann and
Johannes Maucher:
Automatic odometry-less OpenDRIVE generation from sparse point clouds
in 2023 IEEE 26th international conference on intelligent transportation systems (ITSC), 2023 (paper-conference)
Florian Rupp,
Manuel Eberhardinger and
Kai Eckert:
Balancing of competitive two-player game levels with reinforcement learning
in 2023 IEEE conference on games (CoG), 2023 (paper-conference)
Sarah Kleine-Wechelmann, Kim Bastiaanse, Matthias Freundel and
Christian Becker-Asano:
Designing the mobile robot kevin for a life science laboratory
in 2022 31st IEEE international conference on robot and human interactive communication (RO-MAN), 2022 (paper-conference)
Jona Eisele and
André Gerlach:
Künstliche intelligenz für akustische sensorsysteme
in Fortschritte der akustik - DAGA 2022, 48. Jahrestagung für akustik, 21.-24. März 2022, stuttgart, Berlin 2022 (paper-conference)
Johannes Theodoridis,
Jessica Hofmann,
Johannes Maucher and
Andreas Schilling:
Trapped in texture bias? A large scale comparison of deep instance segmentation
in Computer vision - ECCV 2022 - 17th european conference, tel aviv, israel, october 23-27, 2022, proceedings, part VIII, 2022 (paper-conference)
Florian Rupp, Benjamin Schnabel and
Kai Eckert:
Easy and complex: New perspectives for metadata modeling using RDF-star and named graphs
in Knowledge graphs and semantic web, Cham 2022 (paper-conference)
Celso Melo,
Dean Petters,
Joel Parthemore,
David Moffatt and
Christian Becker-Asano:
Introduction to the special issue on computational modelling of emotion
in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2021 (article-journal)
Miklós Sebők and
Zoltán Kacsuk:
The Multiclass Classification of Newspaper Articles with Machine Learning: The Hybrid Binary Snowball Approach
in Political Analysis, 2020 (article-journal)
Lea Baumgärtner,
Stephanie Jauss,
Johannes Maucher and
Gottfried Zimmermann:
Automated sign language translation: The role of artificial intelligence now and in the future
in Proceedings of the 4th international conference on computer-human interaction research and applications, CHIRA 2020, budapest, hungary, november 5-6, 2020, 2020 (paper-conference)
Daniel Grießhaber,
Johannes Maucher and
Ngoc Thang Vu:
Fine-tuning BERT for low-resource natural language understanding via active learning
in Proceedings of the 28th international conference on computational linguistics, COLING 2020, barcelona, spain (online), december 8-13, 2020, 2020 (paper-conference)
Daniel Dreher,
Marius Schmidt,
Cooper Welch,
Sara Ourza,
Samuel Zündorf,
Johannes Maucher,
Steven Peters,
Andreas Dreizler,
Benjamin Böhm and
Alexander Hanuschkin:
Deep feature learning of in-cylinder flow fields to analyze cycle-to-cycle variations in an SI engine
in International Journal of Engine Research, 2020 (article-journal)
Leon Eisemann,
Jan Froehlich,
Axel Hartz and
Johannes Maucher:
Expanding dynamic range in a single-shot image through a sparse grid of low exposure pixels
in Electronic Imaging, 2020 (article-journal)
Magnus Pfeffer,
Heidrun Wiesenmüller and
Cornelia Vonhof:
Sie haben doch jetzt länger Ferien, oder? - Studiengang Informationswissenschaften an der HdM Stuttgart und die Lehre in Zeiten von COVID-19
in b.i.t.online, 2020 (article-journal)
Magnus Pfeffer and
Martin Roth:
Japanese Visual Media Graph: Providing researchers with data from enthusiast communities
in 2019 proceedings of the international conference on dublin core and metadata applications, Seoul, Korea 2020 (paper-conference)
Magnus Pfeffer:
Zukünftige Herausforderungen im Blick - Das neue Studienprogramm »Informationswissenschaften« an der Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart
in BuB - Forum Bibliothek und Information, 2020 (article-journal)
Martin Picard and
Martin Roth:
Gamifi<i>nation</i>: Historical Characters in the Japanese Musō Game Sengoku BASARA
in Spielzeichen iii, Glückstadt 2020 (chapter)
Akito [明人] Inoue [井上] and
Martin [マーティン] Roth [ロート]:
in Japanese media and popular culture, 2020 (chapter)
Tracy Arndt,
Konstantin Freybe,
André Lahmann and
Martin Roth:
Reference Evil – Bibliografische Herausforderungen bei Videospielen
in Bibliotheksdienst, Berlin, Boston 2020 (article-journal)
Peter Mühleder,
Martin Roth,
Tracy Arndt and
Florian Rämisch:
Duct-Taping Databases, or How to Use Fragmentary Online Data for Researching “Japanese” Videogames
in Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities, 2020 (article-journal)
Ito Kyohei,
Yasuo Kawasaki,
Luca Bruno and
Martin Roth:
Japan’s Videogames and Digital Cultures : Local and Global. A Report about the 6th PaJaKo Workshop between Ritsumeikan and Leipzig University
in REPLAYING JAPAN, 2020 (article-journal)
Martin Roth:
多様なデータソースの研究利活用 - データに基づくゲーム文化研究のニーズと実践 [Using heterogeneous data sources for research - Requirements and practices in data-based game culture research]
in DIGRA japan proceedings of 10th annual conference, 2020 (paper-conference)
Schweizer T.,
Renner F.,
Sun D.,
Becker-Asano C. and
Tuschen-Caffier B.:
Cognitive processing and regulation modulates analogue trauma symptoms in a virtual reality paradigm
in Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2019 (article-journal)
Nina Schaaf,
Marco F. Huber and
Johannes Maucher:
Enhancing decision tree based interpretation of deep neural networks through L1-orthogonal regularization
in 18th IEEE international conference on machine learning and applications, ICMLA 2019, boca raton, FL, USA, december 16-19, 2019, 2019 (paper-conference)
Magnus Pfeffer:
IT-Kernkompetenzen im Bachelorstudiengang „Informationswissenschaften“ an der Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart
in BIBLIOTHEK – Forschung und Praxis, 2019 (article-journal)
Martin Roth:
コラム:ドイツの大学におけるゲーム授業の変容と現状 [Column: Teaching Videogames at Universities in Germany – a short overview]
in 多元化するゲーム文化と社会[Diversifying game culture and society], Tachikawa 2019 (chapter)
マーティン[Martin] ロート[Roth]:
交換様式からみたデジタル空間の支配構造[The structure of control in digital space from the perspective of modes of exchange]
in 世界のなかの〈ポスト3・11〉:ヨーロッパと日本の対話 [’Post 3.11’ in a global context: A dialogue between Japan and Europe], Tokyo 2019 (chapter)
Martin Roth:
Digital Modes of Exchange: Structural Relations of Commodity, Control, and Community
in Asiascape: Digital Asia, 2019 (article-journal)
Martin Roth:
Was Daten uns nicht sagen können
in Diskurs der Daten, Qualitative Zugänge zu einem quantitativen Phänomen, Berlin, Boston 2019 (chapter)
世界のなかの〈ポスト3・11〉:ヨーロッパと日本の対話 [’Post 3.11’ in a global context: A dialogue between Japan and Europe]
in , Tokyo 2019 (book)
Special Issue: Digital Spatiality
in Asiascape: Digital Asia, 2019 (article-journal)
Rahul Krishna Gairola and
Martin Roth:
Cyber Zones: Digital Spatialities and Material Realities across Asia
in Asiascape: Digital Asia, 2019 (article-journal)
Astrid M. Pütten,
Nicole C. Krämer,
Christian Becker-Asano,
Kohei Ogawa,
Shuichi Nishio and
Hiroshi Ishiguro:
At the café—exploration and analysis of people’s nonverbal behavior toward an android
in Geminoid Studies: Science and Technologies for Humanlike Teleoperated Androids, Singapore 2018 (article-journal)
Zoltan Kacsuk:
Re-examining the “what is manga” problematic: The tension and interrelationship between the “style” versus “made in japan” positions
in Arts, 2018 (article-journal)
Andreas Stiegler,
Keshav P. Dahal,
Johannes Maucher and
Daniel Jack Livingstone:
Symbolic reasoning for hearthstone
in IEEE Trans. Games, 2018 (article-journal)
Daniel Grießhaber,
Ngoc Thang Vu and
Johannes Maucher:
Low-resource text classification using domain-adversarial learning
in Statistical language and speech processing - 6th international conference, SLSP 2018, mons, belgium, october 15-16, 2018, proceedings, 2018 (paper-conference)
Heidi Weberruss,
Johannes Maucher,
Renate Oberhoffer and
Jan Müller:
Recovery of the cardiac autonomic nervous and vascular system after maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing in recreational athletes.
in European journal of applied physiology, 2018 (article-journal)
Magnus Pfeffer:
The times they are a changin ’ - implementing a modern library and information science curriculum Special session
in 2018 proceedings of the international conference on dublin core and metadata applications, 2018 (paper-conference)
Magnus Pfeffer and
Katharina Schöllhorn:
Praktische Nutzung von Klassifikationssystemen
in Klassifikationen in bibliotheken: Theorie – anwendung – nutzen, Boston 2018 (chapter)
Martin Roth:
Videospiele als politisches Medium
in Digitale Spiele: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zu Diskursfeldern, Inszenierung und Musik, Bielefeld 2018 (chapter)
Martin Roth:
The Suspension of Media Literacy
in 5 Designing Media Ecology, 2018 (article-journal)
Martin Roth:
Rezension von Prieler, Michael und Florian Kohlbacher (2016): Advertising in the aging society: Understanding representations, practitioners, and consumers in Japan.
in Medien und Altern, 2018 (article-journal)
T. X. N. Pham,
Kotaro Hayashi,
Christian Becker-Asano,
S. Lacher and
Ikuo Mizuuchi:
Evaluating the usability and users’ acceptance of a kitchen assistant robot in household environment
in 26th IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive communication, RO-MAN 2017, lisbon, portugal, august 28 - sept. 1, 2017, 2017 (paper-conference)
Zoltan Kacsuk:
Review of: Casey brienza: Global manga. ’Japanese’ comics without japan?
in sehepunkte, 2017 (article-journal)
Martin Roth:
Thought-Provoking Play: Political Philosophies in Science Fictional Videogame Spaces from Japan
in , Pittsburgh 2017 (book)
マーティン [Martin] [Roth]:
ドイツのゲーム研究事情 [Observations on Videogame Research in Germany]
in ゲーム研究の手引き [A Brief Guide To Game Studies], 2017 (chapter)
Andreas Stiegler,
Claudius Messerschmidt,
Johannes Maucher and
Keshav P. Dahal:
Hearthstone deck-construction with a utility system
in 10th international conference on software, knowledge, information management & applications, SKIMA 2016, chengdu, china, december 15-17, 2016, 2016 (paper-conference)
Magnus Pfeffer:
Automatic Creation of Mappings between Classification Systems for Bibliographic Data
in 2016 proceedings of the international conference on dublin core and metadata applications, 2016 (paper-conference)
Magnus Pfeffer and
Heidrun Wiesenmüller:
Resource Discovery Systeme
in Handbuch informationskompetenz, Berlin 2016 (chapter)
Martin E. Roth:
Review of Alexander R. Galloway, Eugene Thacker, and McKenzie Wark, <i>excommunication</i>.
in Asiascape: Digital Asia, 2016 (article-journal)
Martin Roth:
Herausforderungen für die Japanforschung im Zeitalter der digitalen Medien
in 100 Jahre Ostasiatisches Institut an der Universität Leipzig, 1914-2014, Leipzig 2016 (chapter)
Julia Glöckl,
Martin Roth,
Fabian Schäfer,
Cleo Pelte and
Alexander Zahlten:
What is Re: Visions?
in Re: Visions, 2016 (article-journal)
Steffi Richter and
Martin Roth:
風が巻き起こり、欧州に台風が迫っている ’… the wind is rising, the typhoon is approaching Europe …’
in 5 Designing Media Ecology, 2016 (article-journal)
100 Jahre Ostasiatisches Institut an der Universität Leipzig, 1914-2014
in , Leipzig 2016 (book)
Marco Ragni and
Christian Becker-Asano:
The pleasure will be always on our side - interview with wolfram burgard, university of freiburg
in Künstliche Intell., 2015 (article-journal)
Heidrun Wiesenmüller,
Frank Scholze and
Magnus Pfeffer:
Klassifikation international. Bericht über die European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA) mit integriertem Workshop on Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science (LIS’2015) in Colchester
in o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal / Herausgeber VDB, 2015 (article-journal)
Kai Eckert,
Dominique Ritze and
Magnus Pfeffer:
Does it fit? KOS evaluation using the ICE-Map Visualization
in The semantic web: ESWC 2012 satellite events, Heidelberg 2015 (paper-conference)
Martin E. Roth:
At the edge of a ‘digital area’ – locating small scale game creation
in Asiascape: Digital Asia, 2015 (article-journal)
Astrid M. Rosenthal-von Pütten,
Nicole C. Krämer,
Christian Becker-Asano,
Kohei Ogawa,
Shuichi Nishio and
Hiroshi Ishiguro:
The uncanny in the wild. Analysis of unscripted human-android interaction in the field
in Int. J. Soc. Robotics, 2014 (article-journal)
Christian Becker-Asano,
Kai Oliver Arras and
Bernhard Nebel:
Robotic tele-presence with DARYL in the wild
in Proceedings of the second international conference on human-agent interaction, HAI ’14, tsukuba, japan, october 29-31, 2014, 2014 (paper-conference)
Christian Becker-Asano,
Eduardo Meneses,
Nicolas Riesterer,
Julien Hué,
Christian Dornhege and
Bernhard Nebel:
The hybrid agent MARCO: A multimodal autonomous robotic chess opponent
in Proceedings of the second international conference on human-agent interaction, HAI ’14, tsukuba, japan, october 29-31, 2014, 2014 (paper-conference)
Oliver Damm,
Christian Becker-Asano,
Manja Lohse,
Frank Hegel and
Britta Wrede:
Applications for emotional robots
in ACM/IEEE international conference on human-robot interaction, HRI’14, bielefeld, germany, march 3-6, 2014, 2014 (paper-conference)
Nicolas Riesterer,
Christian Becker-Asano,
Julien Hué,
Christian Dornhege and
Bernhard Nebel:
The hybrid agent MARCO
in Proceedings of the 16th international conference on multimodal interaction, ICMI 2014, istanbul, turkey, november 12-16, 2014, 2014 (paper-conference)
Heidrun Wiesenmüller and
Magnus Pfeffer:
Erschließung 2.0: Von der Medienerschließung zum Metadatenmanagement
in vdb-Mitteilungen, 2014 (article-journal)
Magnus Pfeffer:
Using clustering across union catalogues to enrich entries with indexing information
in Data analysis, machine learning and knowledge discovery - proceedings of the 36th annual conference of the gesellschaft für klassifikation e. V. In hildesheim, germany, Berlin 2014 (paper-conference)
Martin E. Roth:
Book review: Software Takes Command, written by Manovich, Lev
in Asiascape: Digital Asia, 2014 (article-journal)
Das Zwischen denken: Marx, Freud und Nishida. Für Toshiaki (Binmei) Kobayashi
in , Leipzig 2014 (book)
Kōjin Karatani:
Kobayashi Binmei und die „Nagoya-Schule“
in Das Zwischen denken: Marx, Freud und Nishida. Für Toshiaki (Binmei) Kobayashi, Leipzig 2014 (chapter)
Martin Roth and
Fabian Schäfer:
Rousseau meets Azuma: A Fictional Discourse on the ‘General Will 2.0’
in Minikomi, 2014 (article-journal)
Nicole C. Krämer,
Stefan Kopp,
Christian Becker-Asano and
Nicole Sommer:
Smile and the world will smile with you - the effects of a virtual agent’s smile on users’ evaluation and behavior
in Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., 2013 (article-journal)
Christian Becker-Asano,
Severin Gustorff,
Kai Oliver Arras,
Kohei Ogawa,
Shuichi Nishio,
Hiroshi Ishiguro and
Bernhard Nebel:
Robot embodiment, operator modality, and social interaction in tele-existence: A project outline
in ACM/IEEE international conference on human-robot interaction, HRI 2013, tokyo, japan, march 3-6, 2013, 2013 (paper-conference)
Kim Hartmann,
Ronald Böck,
Christian Becker-Asano,
Jonathan Gratch,
Björn W. Schuller and
Klaus R. Scherer:
ERM4HCI 2013: The 1st workshop on emotion representation and modelling in human-computer-interaction-systems
in 2013 international conference on multimodal interaction, ICMI ’13, sydney, NSW, australia, december 9-13, 2013, 2013 (paper-conference)
Christian Becker-Asano,
Philip Stahl,
Marco Ragni,
Matthieu Courgeon,
Jean-Claude Martin and
Bernhard Nebel:
An affective virtual agent providing embodied feedback in the paired associate task: System design and evaluation
in Intelligent virtual agents - 13th international conference, IVA 2013, edinburgh, UK, august 29-31, 2013. proceedings, 2013 (paper-conference)
Kiril Kiryazov,
Robert Lowe,
Christian Becker-Asano and
Marco Randazzo:
The role of arousal in two-resource problem tasks for humanoid service robots
in IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2013, gyeongju, south korea, august 26-29, 2013, 2013 (paper-conference)
Magnus Pfeffer:
Eine Infrastruktur für „ Big Metadata “
in B.I.T. online, 2013 (article-journal)
Magnus Pfeffer:
Rezension des Lexikon der Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft
in , 2013 (no-type)
Magnus Pfeffer and
Kai Eckert:
Jetzt kommt zusammen, was zusammen gehört: Verbundübergreifende Datenkonsolidierung und wie man damit große Bestände effizient retroklassifiziert
in Bibliotheken: Tore zur welt des wissens. 101. Deutscher bibliothekartag in hamburg 2012. Kongressband, Hildesheim 2013 (paper-conference)
Dominique Ritze,
Kai Eckert and
Magnus Pfeffer:
in (Open) linked data in bibliotheken, 2013 (chapter)
Heidrun Wiesenmüller and
Magnus Pfeffer:
Abgleichen, anreichern, verknüpfen
in BuB - Forum Bibliothek und Information, 2013 (article-journal)
Martin Roth:
Playing ’Naruto’: Between Meta-Narrative Characters, Unit Operations and Objects
in Manga’s Cultural Crossroads, New York, London 2013 (chapter)
Carl Li,
Mari Nakamura and
Martin Roth:
Japanese Science Fiction in Converging Media: Alienation and Neon Genesis Evangelion
in Asiascape Occasional Papers, 2013 (article-journal)
Stephanie Embgen,
Matthias Luber,
Christian Becker-Asano,
Marco Ragni,
Vanessa Evers and
Kai Oliver Arras:
Robot-specific social cues in emotional body language
in The 21st IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2012, paris, france, september 9-13, 2012, 2012 (paper-conference)
Benjamin Heuer,
Jan Zibuschka,
Heiko Roßnagel and
Johannes Maucher:
Empirical analysis of passenger trajectories within an urban transport hub
in 9th proceedings of the international conference on information systems for crisis response and management, vancouver, canada, april 22-25, 2012, 2012 (paper-conference)
Magnus Pfeffer:
Newsfeeds und Aggregatoren
in Web 2.0 und social media in der unternehmenspraxis, München 2012 (chapter)
Fabian Schäfer and
Martin Roth:
Otaku, subjectivity and databases: Hiroki Azuma’s Otaku: Japan’s database animals
in Digital Culture & Education, 2012 (article-journal)
Kōjin Karatani:
Auf der Suche nach der Weltrepublik - Eine Kritik von Kapital, Nation und Staat
in , Leipzig 2012 (book)
Love Kindstrand,
Patrick W. Galbraith and
Martin Roth:
Japanese media spaces and ’Japan’ in crisis
in Asiascape.org, 2012 (article-journal)
Christian Becker-Asano,
Takayuki Kanda,
Carlos Toshinori Ishi and
Hiroshi Ishiguro:
Studying laughter in combination with two humanoid robots
in AI Soc., 2011 (article-journal)
Christian Becker-Asano:
Affective computing combined with android science
in Künstliche Intell., 2011 (article-journal)
Christian Becker-Asano,
Dali Sun,
Birgit Kleim,
Corinna N. Scheel,
Brunna Tuschen-Caffier and
Bernhard Nebel:
Outline of an empirical study on the effects of emotions on strategic behavior in virtual emergencies
in Affective computing and intelligent interaction - fourth international conference, ACII 2011, memphis, TN, USA, october 9-12, 2011, proceedings, part II, 2011 (paper-conference)
Christian Becker-Asano and
Hiroshi Ishiguro:
Evaluating facial displays of emotion for the android robot geminoid F
in 2011 IEEE workshop on affective computational intelligence, WACI 2011, paris, france, april 14, 2011, 2011 (paper-conference)
Astrid M. Pütten,
Nicole C. Krämer,
Christian Becker-Asano and
Hiroshi Ishiguro:
An android in the field
in Proceedings of the 6th international conference on human robot interaction, HRI 2011, lausanne, switzerland, march 6-9, 2011, 2011 (paper-conference)
Kiril Kiryazov,
Robert Lowe,
Christian Becker-Asano,
Alberto Montebelli and
Tom Ziemke:
From the virtual to the robotic: Bringing emoting and appraising agents into reality
in Proceedings of the 2nd european future technologies conference and exhibition, FET 2011, budapest, hungary, may 4-6, 2011, 2011 (paper-conference)
Kai Eckert and
Magnus Pfeffer:
An Application to Support Reclassification of Large Libraries
in Research and advanced technology for digital libraries, tpdl 2011, Berlin, Heidelberg 2011 (paper-conference)
Heidrun Wiesenmüller,
Leonhard Maylein and
Magnus Pfeffer:
Mehr aus der Schlagwortnormdatei herausholen : Implementierung einer geographischen Facette in den Online-Katalogen der UB Heidelberg und der UB Mannheim
in B.I.T. online, 2011 (article-journal)
Martin Roth:
Otaku in Szene gesetzt: Möglichkeiten für Identitätsarbeit und Kompetenzerwerb in einer japanischen Jugendkultur
in Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung, 2011 (article-journal)
Christian Becker-Asano and
Ipke Wachsmuth:
Affective computing with primary and secondary emotions in a virtual human
in Auton. Agents Multi Agent Syst., 2010 (article-journal)
Martin D. Cooney,
Christian Becker-Asano,
Takayuki Kanda,
Aris Alissandrakis and
Hiroshi Ishiguro:
Full-body gesture recognition using inertial sensors for playful interaction with small humanoid robot
in 2010 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems, october 18-22, 2010, taipei, taiwan, 2010 (paper-conference)
Kai Eckert,
Magnus Pfeffer and
Johanna Völker:
Towards Interoperable Metadata Provenance
in Proceedings of the second international workshop on the role of semantic web in provenance management (swpm 2010) workshop at the 9th international semantic web conference (iswc2010), 2010 (paper-conference)
Christian Hänger,
Bettina Kaldenberg and
Magnus Pfeffer:
Präsentation von E-Books mit Primo
in Bibliotheksdienst, 2010 (article-journal)
ドイツにおけるゲーム・レーティング-法律に支えられた審査活動- [The German Game Rating System - a law-supported rating procedure]
in デジタルゲーム学研究 [Journal of Digital Games Research], 2010 (article-journal)
Christian Becker-Asano,
Toshiyuki Kanda,
Carlos Toshinori Ishi and
Hiroshi Ishiguro:
How about laughter? Perceived naturalness of two laughing humanoid robots
in Affective computing and intelligent interaction, third international conference and workshops, ACII 2009, amsterdam, the netherlands, september 10-12, 2009, proceedings, 2009 (paper-conference)
Eva Hudlicka,
Christian Becker-Asano,
Sabine Payr,
Kerstin Fischer,
Rodrigo M. M. Ventura,
Iolanda Leite and
Christian Scheve:
Social interaction with robots and agents: Where do we stand, where do we go?
in Affective computing and intelligent interaction, third international conference and workshops, ACII 2009, amsterdam, the netherlands, september 10-12, 2009, proceedings, 2009 (paper-conference)
Kai Eckert,
Magnus Pfeffer and
Heiner Stuckenschmidt:
A unified approach for representing metametadata
in DCMI ’09 proceedings of the 2009 international conference on dublin core and metadata applications, 2009 (paper-conference)
Magnus Pfeffer:
Automatische Vergabe von RVK-Notationen mittels fallbasiertem Schließen
in 97. Deutscher bibliothekartag in mannheim 2008 - wissen bewegen. Bibliotheken in der informationsgesellschaft, 2009 (paper-conference)
Christian Becker-Asano:
WASABI: Affect simulation for agents with believable interactivity
in , 2008 (thesis)
Christian Becker-Asano,
Stefan Kopp,
Nadine Pfeiffer-Leßmann and
Ipke Wachsmuth:
Virtual humans growing up
in Künstliche Intell., 2008 (article-journal)
Christian Becker-Asano and
Ipke Wachsmuth:
Affect simulation with primary and secondary emotions
in Intelligent virtual agents, 8th international conference, IVA 2008, tokyo, japan, september 1-3, 2008. proceedings, 2008 (paper-conference)
Julia Tolksdorf,
Christian Becker-Asano and
Stefan Kopp:
Do you know how I feel? Evaluating emotional display of primary and secondary emotions
in Intelligent virtual agents, 8th international conference, IVA 2008, tokyo, japan, september 1-3, 2008. proceedings, 2008 (paper-conference)
Kai Eckert,
Magnus Pfeffer and
Heiner Stuckenschmidt:
Assessing thesaurus-based annotations for semantic search applications
in International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 2008 (article-journal)
Kai Eckert,
Heiner Stuckenschmidt and
Magnus Pfeffer:
Semtinel: interactive supervision of automatic indexing
in Proceedings of the 8th acm/ieee-cs joint conference on digital libraries, 2008 (paper-conference)
Magnus Pfeffer,
Kai Eckert and
Heiner Stuckenschmidt:
Visual Analysis of Classification Systems and Library Collections
in Research and advanced technology for digital libraries, ecdl 2008, Berlin, Heidelberg 2008 (paper-conference)
Johannes Maucher and
Jörg Furrer:
WiMAX - der IEEE-802.16-Standard: Technik, anwendung, potenzial
in , 2007 (book)
Kai Eckert,
Heiner Stuckenschmidt and
Magnus Pfeffer:
Interactive thesaurus assessment for automatic document annotation
in Proceedings of the 4th international conference on knowledge capture - k-cap ’07, New York, New York, USA 2007 (paper-conference)
Magnus Pfeffer:
Automatische Vergabe von RVK-Notationen anhand von bibliografischen Daten mittels fallbasiertem Schließen
in , 2007 (thesis)
Helmut Prendinger,
Christian Becker and
Mitsuru Ishizuka:
A study in users’ physiological response to an empathic interface agent
in Int. J. Humanoid Robotics, 2006 (article-journal)
Christian Becker,
Helmut Prendinger,
Mitsuru Ishizuka and
Ipke Wachsmuth:
Evaluating affective feedback of the 3D agent max in a competitive cards game
in Affective computing and intelligent interaction, first international conference, ACII 2005, beijing, china, october 22-24, 2005, proceedings, 2005 (paper-conference)
Magnus Pfeffer and
Christian Hänger:
Neue Services für den Leser – der OPAC der UB Mannheim
in ABI-Technik, 2005 (article-journal)
Christian Becker,
Stefan Kopp and
Ipke Wachsmuth:
Simulating the emotion dynamics of a multimodal conversational agent
in Affective dialogue systems, tutorial and research workshop, ADS 2004, kloster irsee, germany, june 14-16, 2004, proceedings, 2004 (paper-conference)
Dirk Farin,
Magnus Pfeffer,
Peter H. N. With and
Wolfgang Effelsberg:
Corridor scissors: a semi-automatic segmentation tool employing minimum-cost circular paths
in 2004 international conference on image processing, 2004. ICIP ’04., 2004 (paper-conference)
M. Reed,
P. Hertach and
J. Maucher:
An iterative multiuser detection receiver for 3GPP with antenna arrays: Performance in terms of BER, cell size and capacity
in Proc. Third int. Conf. 3G mobile communication technologies, 2002 (paper-conference)
J. Maucher,
G. Kunz and
A. Rinkel:
UMTS EASYCOPE: A tool for UMTS network and algorithm evaluation
in Proc. Int. Zurich seminar broadband communications access - transmission - networking (cat. No.02TH8599), 2002 (paper-conference)
Johannes Maucher,
Victor V. Zyablov and
Martin Bossert:
On the equivalence of generalized concatenated codes and generalized error location codes
in IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 2000 (article-journal)
V. Sidorenko,
J. Maucher and
M. Bossert:
Bases of rectangular codes
in Proc. IEEE int. Symp. Information theory (cat. No.00CH37060), 2000 (paper-conference)
Johannes Maucher:
The theory of rectangular codes
in , 1999 (thesis)
Martin Bossert,
Helmut Grießer,
Johannes Maucher and
Victor V. Zyablov:
Some results on generalized concatenation of block codes
in Applied algebra, algebraic algorithms and error-correcting codes, 13th international symposium, AAECC-13, honolulu, hawaii, USA, november 15-19, 1999, proceedings, 1999 (paper-conference)
Vladimir Sidorenko,
Johannes Maucher and
Martin Bossert:
Rectangular codes and rectangular algebra
in Applied algebra, algebraic algorithms and error-correcting codes, 13th international symposium, AAECC-13, honolulu, hawaii, USA, november 15-19, 1999, proceedings, 1999 (paper-conference)
Johannes Maucher,
Vladimir Sidorenko and
Martin Bossert:
Rectangular basis of a linear code
in Cryptography and coding, 7th IMA international conference, cirencester, UK, december 20-22, 1999, proceedings, 1999 (paper-conference)
A. Engelhart,
J. Maucher and
V. Sidorenko:
Heuristic algorithms for ordering a linear block code to reduce the number of nodes of the minimal trellis
in Proc. IEEE int. Symp. Information theory (cat. No.98CH36252), 1998 (paper-conference)
Johannes Maucher:
Multi dimensional compartment schemes
in Cryptography and coding, 6th IMA international conference, cirencester, UK, december 17-19, 1997, proceedings, 1997 (paper-conference)